1 : the part of a sword or foil blade between the middle and point
2 : a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior
: WEAKNESS foibles>
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): gagged; gag��ging
Etymology: Middle English gaggen to strangle, of imitative origin
1 a : to restrict use of the mouth of by inserting a gag b : to prevent from exercising freedom of speech or expression c : to pry or hold open with a gag
2 : to provide or write quips or pranks for <gag a show>
3 : to choke or cause to retch
intransitive verb
1 a : CHOKE; also : to suffer a throat spasm that makes swallowing or breathing difficult b : RETCH
2 : to be unable to endure something : BALK
3 : to make quips
- gag��ger noun
Function: noun
1 : something thrust into the mouth to keep it open or to prevent speech or outcry
2 : an official check or restraint on debate or free speech gag rule>
3 : a laugh-provoking remark or act
gag order
Main Entry: gag order
Function: noun
: a judicial ruling barring public disclosure or discussion (as by the press) of information related to a case; broadly : a similar nonjudicial prohibition against the release of confidential information or against public discussion of a sensitive matter
sight gag
Main Entry: sight gag
Function: noun
: a comic bit or episode whose effect is produced by pantomime or camera shot rather than by words
soldiered on
Main Entry: 2soldier
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): sol��diered; sol��dier��ing
/'sOl-j&-ri[ng], 'sOlj-ri[ng]/
1 a : to serve as a soldier b : to behave in a soldierly manner c : to push doggedly forward -- usually used with on <soldiered on to the end>
2 : to make a pretense of working while really loafing
Main Entry: ca��jole
Pronunciation: k&-'jOl
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): ca��joled; ca��jol��ing
Etymology: French cajoler
1 a : to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance : COAX cajole them into going> b : to obtain from someone by gentle persuasion <cajoleed money from his parents>
2 : to deceive with soothing words or false promises
- ca��jole��ment
/-'jOl-m&nt/ noun
- ca��jol��er noun
- ca��jol��ery
/-'jO-l&-rE/ noun
synonyms CAJOLE, COAX, SOFT-SOAP, BLANDISH, WHEEDLE mean to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions. CAJOLE suggests the deliberate use of flattery to persuade in the face of reluctance or reasonable objections <cajoled him into cheating on the final exam>. COAX implies gentle and persistent words or actions employed to produce a desired effect <coaxed the cat out of the tree>. SOFT-SOAP refers to using smooth and somewhat insincere talk usually for personal gain soft-soaping eligible voters>. BLANDISH implies a more open desire to win a person over by effusive praise and affectionate actions blandished with promises of support>. WHEEDLE suggests more strongly than cajole the use of seductive appeal or artful words in persuading wheedling her life's savings out of her>.
Main Entry: dis��par��age
Pronunciation: di-'sper-ij, -'spa-rij
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -aged; -ag��ing
Etymology: Middle English, to degrade by marriage below one's class, disparage, from Anglo-French desparager to marry below one's class, from des- dis- + parage equality, lineage, from per peer
1 : to lower in rank or reputation : DEGRADE
2 : to depreciate by indirect means (as invidious comparison) : speak slightingly about
synonym see DECRY
- dis��par��age��ment
/-ij-m&nt/ noun
- dis��par��ag��er noun
- dis��par��ag��ing adjective
- dis��par��ag��ing��ly
/-ij-i[ng]-lE/ adverb
Main Entry: elic��it
Pronunciation: i-'li-s&t
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Latin elicitus, past participle of elicere, from e- + lacere to allure
1 : to draw forth or bring out (something latent or potential) elicited his hidden fears>
2 : to call forth or draw out (as information or a response) elicited cheers>
synonym see EDUCE
- elic��i��ta��tion
/i-"li-s&-'tA-sh&n, "E-/ noun
- elic��i��tor
/i-'li-s&-t&r/ noun
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): stung
/'st&[ng]/; sting��ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stingan; akin to Old Norse stinga to sting and probably to Greek stachys spike of grain, stochos target, aim
transitive verb
1 : to prick painfully: as a : to pierce or wound with a poisonous or irritating process b : to affect with sharp quick pain or smart stung their faces>
2 : to cause to suffer acutely <stung with remorse>
intransitive verb
1 : to wound one with or as if with a sting
2 : to feel a keen burning pain or smart; also : to cause such pain
- sting��ing��ly
/-i[ng]-lE/ adverb
Main Entry: bee-stung
Pronunciation: 'bE-"st&[ng]
Function: adjective
: having a red puffy appearance as if from being stung by a bee <bee-stung lips>
Main Entry: gan��gly
Pronunciation: 'ga[ng]-glE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): gan��gli��er; -est
Main Entry: gan��gling
Pronunciation: 'ga[ng]-gli[ng], -gl&n
Function: adjective
Etymology: perhaps alteration of Scots gangrel vagrant, lanky person
: loosely and awkwardly built : LANKY
Main Entry: lanky
Pronunciation: 'la[ng]-kE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): lank��i��er; -est
: ungracefully tall and thin
synonym see LEAN
- lank��i��ly
/-k&-lE/ adverb
- lank��i��ness
/-kE-n&s/ noun
Main Entry: 1crum��ple
Pronunciation: 'kr&m-p&l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): crum��pled; crum��pling
Etymology: Middle English crumplen, frequentative of Middle English crumpen
transitive verb
1 : to press, bend, or crush out of shape : RUMPLE
2 : to cause to collapse
intransitive verb
1 : to become crumpled
Main Entry: 1dash
Pronunciation: 'dash
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English dasshen, probably from Middle French dachier to impel forward
transitive verb
1 : to break by striking or knocking
2 : to knock, hurl, or thrust violently
4 a : RUIN, DESTROY dashed his hopes> b : DEPRESS, SADDEN c : to make ashamed
5 : to affect by mixing in something different dashed with bitterness over the delay>
6 : to complete, execute, or finish off hastily -- used with down or off <dashed down a drink> <dash off a letter>
7 [euphemism] : 1DAMN 4
intransitive verb
1 : to move with sudden speed <dashed through the rain>
Main Entry: 1smash
Pronunciation: 'smash
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps blend of 4smack and 2mash
1 a : a smashing blow or attack b : a hard overhand stroke (as in tennis or badminton)
2 a : the action or sound of smashing; especially : a wreck due to collision : CRASH b : utter collapse : RUIN
3 : a striking success
Main Entry: 1quash
Pronunciation: 'kw��sh, 'kwosh
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English quashen to smash, from Anglo-French quasser, casser, from Latin quassare to shake violently, shatter, frequentative of quatere to shake
: to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely <quash a rebellion>
freckle - piegi
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